Tuesday, June 3, 2008

New Aspenisms

Daddy: Aspen do you know where your shoes are?

Aspen: (while tilting her head) Ummmmmmmm.......nope.


Aspen: (holding up a skirt) What's that?

Mommy: That is a skirt.

Aspen: Oh, cuuuute! Amazing.


Aspen: (watching Grandpa walk away) JOHN! JOHN, COME EAR! (come here) GRAMPAAAA!


Aspen: Ag-ez

Translation: Glasses


Aspen: Chaulk-it

Translation: Chocolate


Aspen: (while playing with my old barbies) NO BOOBIES! NO BOOBIES! NO BOOBIES!

Translation: Barbie's dress has fallen down and she is now showing her boobies and it makes me mad!

Aspen's favorite song right now: "You are my shunshine."


Amanda said...

That is SO amazingly cute (big surprise) from such a cute girl! What a great idea....to have these documented forever. And Aspen, I agree....No Boobies!

Cathy said...

I love remembering these little things and they fly by soooo fast. Before you know it she'll be saying chocolate like a big girl!..and I love it that she was yelling JOHN at your dad! Funny girl!

Beeler Family said...

KAREN! Hi, I found your blog through Jamie Lynns. Your little Aspen is adorable. Love the "aspenisms" too.
Brook (The B, K, and E should have a second E - Brook, Ken, Emma, and Elliott)