Thursday, January 8, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Enter with the password: "Thank you!"
Make yourselves at home, talking praise.
Thank him. Worship him
Psalm 100:4 The Message

One of my New Year's goals is to be more mindful of how thankful I need to be for many things in my life. Soooo, I'm going to do Thankful Thursday, and list something I am grateful for every Thursday.
I thought this was such an original idea on my part, but upon further blog searching, I am not the first person to have this grand inspiration. Oh well.


Today I'm thankful for LAUGHTER!

A fellow giggly friend has told me that I laugh a lot. I've never been told that before, but maybe I do laugh a lot. I do like to laugh. Sometimes all I can do is laugh. There's that song from Mary Poppins, "I love to laugh, ha ha ha ha, long and loud and clear!" And now I'm laughing because I have written the word "laugh" entirely too much for one paragraph!

Kelly's family tends to laugh when they are stressed about something. Not in an inappropriate way, but a way that says, "hey, worrying about this won't help a bit, so let's laugh instead." I have come to really appreciate that attitude and perspective.

You cannot be married to Kelly and not laugh. A lot.

You cannot have a 2 1/2 year old who says the funniest things in the world and not laugh. Like tonight, to the tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star," she sang "Twinkle, Twinkle, Horsey Turtle."

I am so thankful that God created laughter and gave us a sense of humor. It's such an excellent way to release tension and bring down the stress level. Laughter is the BEST medicine after all.

I feel like I should tell a joke or something to make you laugh.


What do you call stolen cheese?

Nacho cheese.


Amanda said...

Horsey Turtle...hee! Now I'm laughing! I'll join you for Thankful Thursday.

Anonymous said...

This is so true of you Karyn. I love that I always laugh when I am with you. I laugh when I read your blog because I can hear you laughing as you wrote it. You "cheesy" joke... that was the first joke you ever told me... awe the memories. I am thankful for your laughter too. (signed: Summer... because sorry, I still refuse to have a blog :)

Vicki said...

It is one of my personal goals to laugh more... to bring more laughter to my home. I'm afraid I'm seriously lacking. In fact, I often think of the laughter in the Braaten's home and want to bring laughter into my children's life like I have always experienced with their family! And that joke is just perfect for Joe... right up his ally. I'll tell him tonight :)