I'm still alive...kinda. :)
This pregnancy has been difficult. I'm not gonna lie. I had a very good pregnancy with Aspen. My normal health issues seemed to melt away, and my body seemed to relish the feel-good-preggo hormones. This time I was expecting the same...but it has not been so. I've felt like crap for the most part, to put it mildly. lol
The nausea has been extreme, and the achiness has taken more of a toll than I like to think about. My right hip has decided to send a shooting pain up and down my body most of the day and all of the night. The nausea has been way better lately since the Dr. gave me some meds to help with it. So I've been MIA for a bit. My job has been pregnancy and taking care of my other sweet busy baby. Kelly has been an angel. He has never complained, picked up more than his share, and encouraged and comforted me. He's simply amazing. My parents have helped with more than I ever could have expected them too. A few special friends have continued to support me and pray for me and contact me even though I'm not able to return the favor a whole lot lately. That means so much.
This last year has admittedly been the hardest year Kelly and I have had in our marriage so far...NOT that our marriage was the issue at all, just the external circumstances that we endured this last year have definitely made it the most trying so far. Without too many details...financial disaster, cancer, feeling betrayed by someone close, loss of possesions, secondary infertility, severe hardships endured by extended family....just to name a few. We know this last year was God-ordained and God-orchestrated. He has brought us to Him through these trials in ways we didn't anticipate or know we needed. We were forced to recognize what exactly was important, and what wasn't. Once again, faithful friends and family members were brought out of the woodwork, supporting us even when we didn't deserve it and couldn't offer much in return. The most wonderful blessing of all...a baby. A totally longed for but unexpected pregnancy. I have no words to describe it except divinely precious.
Kelly and I were able to get a quick getaway to the coast for our 11th anniversary. Aspen had the time of her life with her Aunts in Salem while were gone. We knew the trip would not consist of a lot, since I am low in energy, but we enjoyed our room on the beach leaving the windows wide open the entire time so we could hear the roar of the ocean and feel the cool sea breeze. It was much needed and neither of us wanted to leave! lol
Just wanted to share a few pics...I am 17 weeks in these photos. I am huge. People are already asking if I am getting close (I'm not even half way!) and one lady questioned if I was having twins. Oh well. I do looooooooooooove that I am pregnant! And we love, love, love this little baby more than we can imagine. It's all worth it :)

Sweet girl asleep in the car on the way over. I love this so much. Kelly said I was sleeping the same way...I have a feeling it wasn't so cute on me.